Wednesday, April 12, 2017

10 Ways to Make Your Company More Attractive to Investors

If money will solve specific problems for your business or grow the company faster, you’re in a good place to decide if raising money is right for you. While raising money is definitely not a quick and easy process, it can be used as a massive lever to push your business to the top.

If raising money is something that you’re confident will take your business to the next level, here are ten ways to make yourself and your company a more attractive investment:

1. Surround yourself with experts.

Being surrounded by great people is always solid advice. In this case, have an advisory board filled with mentors, coaches, consultants and advisors. It doesn’t matter if its formal or informal, but just having one shows that you're aware that you don’t know it all and have people that can help you see the bigger picture.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

10 Accelerators Helping Startups Grow to the Next Level

The increasing number of startups is related to more than the economy growing again. It’s a chicken-and-egg scenario. It's unclear which came first, the rise in startup accelerators or the number of startup founders looking for help. What we do know is that there are new accelerators and incubators popping up around the world to help these startup founders develop their ideas into viable businesses.

Startup accelerators provide advice, resources, events, connections and mentoring beginning in the early stages of a startup. While some startup accelerators specialize in certain industries or technology, others are willing to assist all types of startups. Admission to an accelerator program doesn't guarantee success but it is offers help every startup founder can use. Consider one of these top accelerators when you are ready to take your startup to the next level:

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

4 Common Financial Mistakes Every Small Business Owner Should Avoid

Every entrepreneur and business owner will make a few financial mistakes during their journey. Those who aren’t savvy in accounting often overlook the need to brush up on their financial IQ. Truth is, these little financial errors can lead to some serious cash flow problems if you aren’t careful. Here are four financial mistakes you can easily avoid so you can protect your bottom line.